Plant Food

Showing all 10 results

  • Houseplant Focus Drip Feeder 38ml Pack of 6

    Houseplant Focus Drip Feeders Pack of 6 x 38ml

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  • Houseplant Focus 300ml

    Houseplant Focus 300ml

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  • Houseplant Myst 750ml

    Houseplant Myst 750ml

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  • Orchid Focus Drip Feeder 38ml Pack of 6

    Orchid Focus Drip Feeders Pack of 6 x 38ml

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  • Cactus and Succulent Focus 300ml

    Cactus and Succulent Focus 300ml

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  • Orchid Focus Bloom 300ml

    Orchid Focus Bloom 300ml

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  • Orchid Focus Drip Feeder 38ml Singular

    Orchid Focus Drip Feeders 1 x 38ml

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  • Orchid Focus Grow 300ml

    Orchid Focus Grow 300ml

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  • Bonsai Focus 300ml

    Bonsai Focus 300ml

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  • African Violet Focus 300ml

    African Violet Focus 300ml

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